Beyond manufacturing.

As a manufacturing service provider for the electronics industry, we offer our international customers a full service for their product – from consulting in the conception phase through to after-sales service, all with a high level of quality assurance. We take over the assembly of printed circuit boards along with the assembly and functional testing of devices, through to the configuration of complex systems for companies in the automotive, renewable energy, and telecommunications industries, among others.

"Beyond manufacturing" is not just a motto for our customers, but also for our employees – being more than just an employer is what drives us. We value the different skills, ideas and talents of all our employees and encourage their individuality at every stage of their lives. We see diversity as inspiring potential for further development and company growth. For us, this also includes respectful communication that adds value at every level.

ml&s Katja Arvidsson
Katja Arvidsson Head of human resources

The benefits at ml&s


With our wide-ranging job portfolio based on an internal company remuneration system, we have the right work for everyone's individual strengths. We recognise commitment and potential and provide support for that in the form of career development. That does not require being on duty "24/7", rather, it is about having sufficient freedom and flexibility to clear your head from time to time. Flexitime and working at home are nothing new to us, and having 30 days of annual leave goes without saying. It is not always easy to fulfil individual needs, especially in shift work, but together we look for and find solutions.

Standing still is a step backwards

We want to constantly develop ourselves and our employees, which is why we face challenges together and address them openly. Because everyone can and should contribute to the company's development. By creating space for personal initiative, we encourage people to think outside the box, generating new impetus and ideas, which are also rewarded. By investing in targeted training programmes, our employees stay on the ball – and by doing so help to shape the dynamic development of themselves and our company.


We can only reach our goal together. Everyone contributes individual skills to the whole, to our mlands family. Respectful cooperation on an equal footing plays a decisive role in this regard. We honour our long-standing colleagues and value the knowledge they pass on to our young professionals. Like-minded people come together in the various company sports teams, serving to create associations that go beyond professional life. We have a good time together at company and team events – even after work.


Flexibility is the foundation for balancing work and family life, which we provide through our working time accounts. That is why suddenly arising appointments are not a problem, and finding a place in a daycare centre is not an issue either, because we will provide support in that search. For private occasions such as moving house or family events, there is always a suitable solution with the special leave arrangements. We know how nice it is to be surrounded by family and how great it can be to have peace and quiet sometimes. Every year, we organise a holiday camp for our "Mikis" (employees' children) with professional supervision and a variety of activities.


"An apple a day..." We are happy to gift you an entire fruit basket, but we have better things to offer than that. Riding a bicycle, for example. The company bike offers everyone the opportunity to lease a customised bike with an employer subsidy. Our employees also will receive a subsidy for their computer glasses. In addition to the financial aspect, we organise health days and preventive measures in the form of in-house activities in cooperation with healthcare providers or seminars, in order to strengthen our own health skills.